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Horsegram/Kulith/Hulga Flour

Horse gram is a legume that grows and propagates in arid regions, such as in the drylands in southern, central and northern parts of tropical countries namely India, Sri Lanka and Malaysia.

Horse gram is a climbing herb, having leaves with tiny leaflets in triplets and white colored flowers. The short and slender stem, upon maturing and developing, bears flattened small seeds that are red, brown or black and resemble the shape of a curved beak.

This minute natural seed offers some marvelous advantages for overall well-being, being densely packed with vital nutrients. Horse gram, besides being intrinsically vast in carbohydrate and protein content, also abounds in essential trace minerals like iron, molybdenum and calcium. These ensure optimal energy, muscle strength, regulated red blood cell synthesis and fortified bones. Moreover, it also supplies ample amounts of the B vitamins, that guarantee the normal metabolic functioning of cells.

Hence, it comes as no surprise that horse gram is being widely consumed globally today, in the form of the sprouted or boiled seeds, as a health drink made with the ground powder, as well as in traditional Indian dishes like dals, soups and salads.

Ayurveda strongly suggests several formulations where horse gram is used as a key ingredient for its indispensable medicinal value such as Kulathadhi kashaayam that has been used extensively in treating health anomalies. Being a hot-natured bean, horse gram can calm kabha and vatha dosha and increase rakta pitta kopaka dosha.

Horse gram is a storehouse of polyphenols, flavonoids, and potent antioxidants that keep your body strong, vibrant and young. Researchers from the Indian Institute of Chemical Technology have revealed that raw, unprocessed horse gram seeds have the ability to lowers blood sugar spikes post meal by slowing down gastric emptying time and reducing insulin resistance, thus making it a diabetic-friendly food. As per the traditional manuscripts, horse gram has the power to heal any health issue you name it such as asthma, bronchitis, leucoderma, urinary discharge, kidney stones and heart ailments.

Ayurvedic medicines also recommend horse gram for treating jaundice, rheumatism, conjunctivitis and piles are also said to flinch before the power of horse gram.